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As I previously posted….and maybe I am a bit more than slightly out of breath…I saw this tag game going on over at now one of my favorite places to pop in at….jensinewall and now that the weekend is here…okay…I haven’t even been blogging um…a week yet. BUT I WANNA PLAY! 😉

So going by the rules…I am already breaking the first cuz I haven’t offically been “tagged” yet….oh well….this is the internet and I don’t have to play by the rules…so here are 5 questions (ahem….I am making my own rules here…why cuz I can) followed by my 11 bloggers whom I have chosen to “chase” (If you are tagged….and wanna play please leave your answers in the comments 😉 and yes I am editing again…..feel free to keep this tag game going by either using my same rules….make your own…but choose some of your favorite bloggers to tag in another post on your blog. I THINK I am done editing ):

1. What story does your family always tell about you? (okay….I know there have to be some really good ones…maybe create a new post about it…just let me know here so I can come read ALL about it…hint…hint…hint…) At Knottsberry Farm when I was like 8….sister like 6 and we thought the train robbers on train ride were in fact real. It must have shown on our faces cuz apparently “robbers” in full cowboy robber gear couldn’t keep a straight face and felt bad about scaring us. I was protecting sister…ha ha…I should have said go ahead… TAKE her! 😉

2. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? hmmmmm….something from the family…Hope…maybe

3. If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be? wolf…rum and coke…double chocolate

4. What would you name the autobiography of your life? Seriously? 😉

5. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Cat Woman…or a female Mad Hatter



Moments of Mezz

Swimming Blindly


lill and jill

Born to Change Lives


all that makes you


Island Girl

Ashley Jillian